Simple intuitions about how we recognize shapes- "a 9 has a loop at the top, and a vertical stroke in the bottomright" - turn out to be not so simple to express algorithmically.When you try to make such rules precise, you quickly get lost in amorass of exceptions and caveats and special cases. What seems easy when we do it ourselves suddenly becomesextremely difficult. The difficulty of visual pattern recognition becomes apparent if youattempt to write a computer program to recognize digits like thoseabove. And sowe don't usually appreciate how tough a problem our visual systemssolve. But nearly all that work is done unconsciously. Rather, wehumans are stupendously, astoundingly good at making sense of what oureyes show us. Recognizing handwritten digits isn't easy. And yet human visioninvolves not just V1, but an entire series of visual cortices - V2,V3, V4, and V5 - doing progressively more complex image processing.We carry in our heads a supercomputer, tuned by evolution overhundreds of millions of years, and superbly adapted to understand thevisual world. In each hemisphere of our brain, humans have a primaryvisual cortex, also known as V1, containing 140 million neurons, withtens of billions of connections between them. Most people effortlessly recognize those digits as 504192. Considerthe following sequence of handwritten digits: The human visual system is one of the wonders of the world.

Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville Michael Nielsen's project announcement mailing list Thanks to all the supporters who made the book possible, withĮspecial thanks to Pavel Dudrenov. Deep Learning Workstations, Servers, and Laptops